Sputnik RS10/RS11
Name: Radio Sputnik (RS) 10/11
NASA Catalog Number: 18129
Launched: June 23, 1987
Primary Spacecraft: COSMOS 1861 - Russian Navigation Satellite
Orbit: Polar LEO (Low Earth Orbit) - 1000 km altitude
Period: 105 Minutes
Modes: K, T, A, KT, KA
Beacons: 29.357 and 29.403 MHz
Linear Communications Transponders
Robot autotransponder
Linear Transponder:
Mode A Uplink: 145.860 - 145.900 MHz
Mode A Downlink: 29.360 - 29.400 MHz
Robot Uplink: 145.820 MHz
Robot Downlink: 29.357 or 29.403 MHz (Beacon frequencies)
Status: Non-Operational
Non-operational since May 1997, one month before
its 10th birthday.
RS-10 has failed to respond to commands.
RS10/11 rides piggyback on a primary spacecraft - the COSMOS series of
navigation satellites. Each satellite has two radio amateur transponders
onboard. Only one is switched on at a time. For a number of technical
reasons, command problems, interference and the like, they cannot be switched
to other modes. So for the immediate future they will continue in their
present configuration. RS-11 will remain switched off and in standby mode.
Both satellites have a 40 kHz wide linear transponder allowing for CW
and SSB contacts. One unique feature of both these satellites is the ROBOT
autotransponder. These autotransponders make it possible to carry on a
CW telegraphy contact with the ROBOT computer carried on the spacecraft.
Upon calling the satellite on the ROBOT uplink frequency, the computer
will return with a short message and issue a QSO number.
For a more detailed description of these satellites, read John Magliacane's,
KD2BD, Spotlight On: RS10/RS11 and RS12/RS13
originally published in The AMSAT
Vern Riportella, "New Russian Satellite Sparks Surge of Interest,"
Nov 1987, p. 66.
Keith Bergland, "Decoding RS-12/13 Telemetry," The AMSAT Journal,
Vol.15, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1992, p. 13.
John Magliacane, "Spotlight on RS10/RS11 and RS12/RS13,"
AMSAT Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, Jul/Aug 1992, p. 17.
Steve Ford, "Working the EasySats", QST, Sep 1992, p. 30.
Gould Smith, Beginners
Guide to the RS Satellites, AMSAT.
Martin Davidoff, The
Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, 2nd edition, The American Radio
Relay League, Newington, CT., 1990.
to Satellite Summary
Last update January 31, 1999 - N7HPR