Satellite Summary
Name: Fuji-OSCAR-20 aka JAS-1b and Fuji-2
Callsign: 8J1JBS
NASA Catalog Number: 20480
Launched: February 7, 1990
Launch vehicle: Japanese H-I
Launch location: Tanegashima Space Center of NASDA,
Tanegashima Island, Japan
Weight: 50 kg
Orbit: Polar LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
Inclination: 99 degrees
Size: 44 cm wide x 47 cm high
Period: 112 minutes
BBS Message System (digital store-and-forward)
Analog communications transponder
435.795 MHz - CW (primary) or PSK digital (secondary)
435.910 MHz - PSK digital
Digital Transponder - Mode JD
Uplinks: AFSK (FM) 1200 bps, AX.25, Manchester
145.850 MHz
145.870 MHz
145.890 MHz
145.910 MHz
Downlink: BPSK 1200 bps
Analog Transponder - Mode JA -- Note:
FO-20 is permanently in the analog mode.
Uplink: 145.900 - 146.000 MHz
Downlink: 435.795 - 435.900 MHz (inverted)
Status: Semi-Operational - Mode JA only
For an update on the status of FO-20, see the JARL Present
Status of Fuji-OSCAR 20 web page.
For a description of FO-20, read John Magliacane's, KD2BD, Spotlight
On: Fuji-2/OSCAR-20 originally published in The
AMSAT Journal.
For more information about FO-20 and 29 visit the Japan
Amateur Radio League (English
version) and the National Space Development
Agency of Japan (English
version) web pages.
See also Satellite Summary - Fuji-OSCAR 29.
JAS-1 Handbook, JARL, August 1985. English translation available
from Project OSCAR, PO Box 1136, Los Altos, CA 94023.
V. Riportella, "Introducing Japanese Amateur Satellite number One (JAS-1),"
QST, Nov 1986, pp 66-67.
"Introduction of JAS-1b," by JARL, QEX, Sep 1989, pp 8-11.
Joe Kasser, "The Fuji-OSCAR-20 Spacecraft," The AMSAT Journal, Vol.
13, No. 3, July 1990, p. 7
JR1NVU, "The Telemetry Formats of JAS-1b/Fuji-OSCAR 20,"
The AMSAT Journal,
Vol. 13, No. 4, Sep 1990, p. 20.
John A. Magliacane, "Spotlight On: Fuji-2/OSCAR-20,"
AMSAT Journal, Vol. 15 No. 5, Nov/Dec 1992, p. 17.
Martin Davidoff, The
Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, 2nd edition, The American Radio
Relay League, Newington, CT., 1990.
Mike Crisler, PACSAT
Beginner's Guide, AMSAT
to Satellite Summary
Last update May 31, 2003 - N7HPR